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People involved in Midsummer Mischief

Link to production details here

Member NameRole
Bethany Fowler Peaseblossom
Caitlin Gentleman Elf
Catherine Petrie Snug (Lion)
Chanel Kent Helena (Bride of Demetrius)
Charlotte Barnes Hippolyta (Bride of Theseus)
David Jennings Quince
Dimitri Gibara Bottom (Pyramus)
Greg Price Elf
Hannah Fowler Bluebell
Helen Stanbridge Hermia (Bride of Lysander)
Joe Daly Elf
Karen Campbell as Karen Forde Titania (Queen of the Fairies)
Katherine Fowler Cobweb
Khaela Mullen Elf
Laura Daly Puck (Attendant to Oberon)
Lucy Mulholland First Fairy
Margaret Parkinson Starveling (Moonshine)
Mark O'Connell Theseus (Duke of Athens)
Matt Salmons Flute (Thisbe)
Natasha Orre Marigold
Nicole Gentlemen Elf
Nigel Tucker Philostrate (Master of Mirth)
Patrick Mulholland Mistrel
Peter Edwards Oberon King of the Fairies
Rachael Orre Mustardseed
Rob Kent Demetrius (Nobleman)
Sam Burnett Elf
Sara Nelson Second Fairy
Scott Murray Lysander (Nobleman)
Sophie Harrison Fairy Choreographer
Txx Axxxxxx Snout (Wall)
Member NameRole
David Buckley Sound
David Jennings Wardrobe Assistant
Deirdre Tucker Wardrobe Assistant
Donna Glynn Rehearsal Prompt
Graham Clewer Set Construction
June Jennings Make-up
Laura Daly Make-up
Margaret Henderson Wardrobe Assistant
Michelle Mullen Wardrobe Mistress
Nigel Tucker Producer
Ruth Savage Stage Manager
Front of House
Rehearsal Prompt

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The Rangiora Players is the public name for the Rangiora Dramatic Society Incorporated of New Zealand.
The Rangiora Players, PO Box 473, Rangiora, 7440