About the Rangiora PlayersOur ClubroomsThe 'Players have their own clubrooms, which now have been expanded, with the addition of a stage! With the addition of the stage, the clubrooms became the Rangiora Players Little Theatre. Here is an article that was in the Northern Outlook, 31st March 2010:
This building addition was made possible by donations of money and materials, see the "Thanks" web page, and by the sweat equity of the Club. We look forward to many happy shows in this new venue. Our HistoryThe Rangiora Players were originally formed as the Rangiora Dramatic Society in 1880, although the group has not been continuously active since then, having been through a number of periods of inactivity. The group was formally constitued as an incorporated society in 1937. The group now called The Rangiora Players commenced productions in 2002 The Rangiora Dramatic Soiiety had it's headquarters in Church Steet; the buildingw as relocated to the current location in June 2003, and we have some pictures of the reloaction. As the Society has had a period of inactivity, there are gaps in the Society's memory of who we were and what we did. We have many old photographs, some of which will appear on this website. In 1982 we apparently entered an event run by the New Zealand Theatre Federation. This poster remains to this day in the control room of the Oxford Town Hall... ![]() Publicity StuntsFrom time to time the Rangiora Players undertake "activities" to raise our profile, heres a couple of photos...
Comments to the Rangiora Players or The Webmaster are always welcomed, please use
this contact form. The Rangiora Players is the public name for the Rangiora Dramatic Society Incorporated of New Zealand. The Rangiora Players, PO Box 473, Rangiora, 7440 |